Løber jeres byggeproces af og til af sporet?

Vi hjælper jer med at planlægge byggeprocessen og forebygge dyre driftstop undervejs.


Sitemotion's web application lets you optimise management of construction processes by using real-time data from follow-up and quality assurance registrations. Collected data can be further used for visualisations of automated analysis of the construction progress, projected directly on your 3D BIM model.


SiteMotion er digitalt byggeri for de udførende, bygget med åbne fil-formater og et åbent API, så i kan bruge jeres data lige som i vil.

Indoor scanning

Outdoor scanning

Giv mig et kald

Martin Haurballe Niminski
Director and Founder
+45 42 78 54 56

Transparent byggeproces for Bygherrer, Rådgivere og Entreprenører

Sitemotion's artificial intelligence continuously compares plan drawings and schedules to the reality of the construction site. It enables you to stay on top of your project and increase productivity, reducing amounts of wasted material and time spent in settling disputes. Using Sitemotion you get a vantage point on the construction progress, which helps you with completing projects with desired quality and within their time and budget limits.

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